
2017 Undergrad Interns

Summer 2017 brought a fresh cohort of undergraduate students interested in exploring ISB’s research in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program. Each intern worked with a mentor on a research project and participated in learning experiences aimed at expanding his or her skills. Several of the interns worked in the group with mentors from the Hood-Price Lab. The ISB website has more details and a great collection of photos from…

ISB Annual Report: Catalyzing A Revolution

ISB’s compass has always been oriented toward the future. Even when we reflect on the past year for each annual report, it’s always through the lens of what’s on the horizon. We are remarkably consistent in that regard, which is in no small part due to our president Dr. Lee Hood, whose vision is perpetually a decade – at least – ahead of everyone else. In this year’s letter, Dr….

Institute for Systems Biology recruits technology pioneer James Heath as President

The Institute for Systems Biology has named James Heath, PhD, as its new president, effective January 2018. Heath is widely recognized as one of the world’s most accomplished scientists, working on fundamental problems at the interface of the chemical, physical, biological, and biomedical sciences, with focus areas of molecular biotechnologies and oncology. ISB’s co-founder and president Lee Hood, MD, PhD, was appointed senior vice president and chief science officer at…

GiveBIG on May 3 – or schedule your gift now!

ISB is participating in The Seattle Foundation’s sixth annual GiveBIG day on May 3! And, this year, you can schedule your gift in advance. GiveBIG is an annual, community-wide day of giving hosted by The Seattle Foundation that aims to inspire regional philanthropy. Between midnight and midnight (PST) on May 3rd, The Seattle Foundation and its generous sponsors will match a percentage of all contributions to local nonprofits. GiveBIG 2015 raised…

ISB launches 3-Year Wilke Lyme Disease project

Study Utilizes Systems Approaches to Develop Diagnostics and Deeper Understanding of Chronic Lyme The Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) has received $2.13 million in transformational gifts from Jeff and Liesl Wilke; Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos; and the Bay Area Lyme Foundation to tackle chronic Lyme disease, a highly complex and often misdiagnosed disease that can be debilitating for those who do not respond to a standard course of antibiotics. This funding…

NIH-led effort – including ISB – launches Big Data portal for Alzheimer’s drug discovery

The National Institutes of Health announced the launch of a new Alzheimer’s Big Data portal, which includes the first wave of data for use by the research community. This portal is the result of the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) program, which focuses on facilitating collaboration among government agencies, academia and industry in order to translate research more quickly to therapies. The launch of the AMP Alzeheimers Disease Knowledge Portal is…

Infographic showing types of data

‘Integrating big data and actionable health coaching to optimize wellness’

The journal BioMed Central Medicine published a commentary by Dr. Lee Hood, Dr. Jennifer Lovejoy, and Dr. Nathan Price on the Hundred Person Wellness Project – phase 1 of the 100K Wellness Project. The article was published on Jan. 9, 2015. ABSTRACT: “The Hundred Person Wellness Project (HPWP) is a 10-month pilot study of 100 ‘well’ individuals where integrated data from whole-genome sequencing, gut microbiome, clinical laboratory tests and quantified…

Real Simple magazine quotes ISB on ‘What exactly is Wellness?’

Cover of the November 2014 issue of Real Simple Magazine A team at ISB has been working on the 100K Wellness Project, which you read about here. The November issue of Real Simple Magazine has a feature story on “What Exactly is Wellness?” It includes a mention of our wellness study and a comment from Dr. Nathan Price, ISB associate director. “Perhaps one reason why wellness programs aren’t yet commonplace…

Infographic showing types of data features 100K Wellness Project

Xconomy featured an article about the 100K Wellness Project. The article provides an introduction and follows with a Q&A with Dr. Nathan Price. Read the article by Alex Lash,’s National Biotech Editor: “100K” Marathon: A Decades-Long Health Study Makes Its Business Case

ISB Holiday Party 2014: slow-motion video booth!

The Institute for Systems Biology held its holiday party on Jan. 18, 2014. Super Frog Saves Tokyo helped set up a slow-motion video booth and this was the result.

How ISB is unique

The Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) pioneered systems biology as we know it today. Dr. Nathan Price, ISB’s Associate Director, explains what sets ISB apart.   Watch on YouTube  

What is Systems Biology?

The Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle is the home of systems biology. Dr. Nathan Price shares his explanation of systems biology and why the systems approach is necessary and inevitable. Systems biology is a holistic approach that involves biology, technology and computation.

Annual Symposium 2013: Systems Biology & the Brain

Sunday, April 14 and Monday, April 15 2013 12th Annual International Symposium Addresses Systems Biology and the Brain It’s an exciting time to be discussing brain research, given the Brain Activity Map project that the Obama administration is proposing. You won’t want to miss what will be a dynamic Symposium on a hot topic, so join us and our distinguished speakers. Join a distinguished group of researchers and experts in…